On the 15th – 18th July Katie Emery, Greg Anderson and Florimond Cumine attended the 7th Pacific Symposium for Radical Chemistry, which was hosted at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The conference is one of the three major international meetings for radical chemistry. The conference displayed all aspects of radical chemistry, hosting 44 speakers over the 4 day conference, all presenting the latest advances in their field of radical chemistry. Prof. John A. Murphy and Prof. Ilhyong Ryu gave excellent plenary talks into mechanistic understanding of coupling reactions facilitated by electron transfer, and novel synthetic radical reactions induced by photo-irradiation.

Flo presents his poster in Singapore.
Of the 38 posters displayed, Katie, Florimond and Greg each presented their own work focussing on transition metal free electron transfer reactions to initiate either the base homolytic aromatic substitution reactions, or radical nucleophilic substitution reactions, including both experimental and computational investigations.
The conference was brilliantly organised, packed full of excellent speakers and social events, such as a fruit feast, a post conference tour to Gardens by the Bay, and a banquet dinner at Equinox that afforded fantastic views of Singapore at night.

Singapore by night.
— written by Katie
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