Pim Frederix gets his PhD!

Congratulations to Dr Pim Frederix who passed is PhD viva examination today with an excellent viva. During his PhD studies, Pim practised a number of experimental and theoretical techniques in order to gain a strong insight into the self-assembly structures and mechanisms of peptide-based materials. Pim was our first student to take on the joint experimental/computational PhD, resulting in a number of high-impact publications, including the first screening of dipeptide self-assembly using coarse grain methodology. Pim leaves us to take up a Post-Doctoral position with Siewart-Jan Marrink at Groningen University where he will continue his studies into the powers of coarse grain techniques.. We wish him all the best for the future!

Pim passed his PhD viva with flying colours.

Pim passed his PhD viva with flying colours.


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