
  • 48. Stabilization of metastable hydrogen trioxide (HOOOH) and the hydrotrioxyl radical (HOOO•) by complexation with sulfuric acid. A theoretical study.

    Cannon, D.; Tuttle, T.; Koller, J.; Plesnicar, B.

    Comp. Theo. Chem. 2013 1010 19

  • 47. Superelectrophilic Amidine Dications: Dealkylation by Triflate Anion

    Kovacevic, L. S.; Idziak, C.; Markevicius, A.; Scullion, C.; Corr, M. J.; Kennedy, A. R.; Tuttle, T.; Murphy, J. A.

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012 51 8156

  • 46. Sequence/structure relationships in aromatic dipeptide hydrogels formed under thermodynamic control by enzyme-assisted self-assembly

    Hughes, M.; Frederix, P. W. J. M.; Raeburn, J.; Birchall, L. S.; Sadownik, J.; Coomer, F. C.; Lin, I-H.; Cussen, E. J.; Hunt, N. T.; Tuttle, T.; Webb, S. J.; Adams, D. J.; Ulijn, R. V.

    Soft Matter. 2012 8 5595

  • 45. Oligothiophene Cruciform with a Germanium Spiro Center: A Promising Material for Organic Photovoltaics

    Wright, I. A.; Kanibolotsky, A. L.; Cameron, J.; Tuttle, T.; Skabara, P. J.; Coles, S. J.; Howells, C. T.; Thomson, S. A. J.; Gambino, S.; Samuel, I. D. W.

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012 51 4562